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Scheme of Work

Key Questions


Knowledge and Skills


Who were the Ancient Egyptians?


Using a timeline find ancient Egypt. AD,BC.

How do we know about them? Discuss sources and interpretations of history.

Artefacts, pyramids ~ legacy. Labeling artefacts, archaeology.


Historical enquiry 

Organisation and communication


Range and depth of historical understanding

Class timeline

Pictures of artefacts


Where did they live?



Maps ancient and modern to locate Egypt. Importance of the Nile in the location of settlement. Climate and landscape.

Historical enquiry


Range and depth of historical understanding

Maps, globe.


Information sheet.

How did they live?



Use a variety of resources to research how Ancient Egyptians lived eg, work, education, family live, order of society. Provide prompt sheet and questioning.

Get children to work in mixed ability

Groups, and report main findings(3).

Historical enquiry 

Organisation and communication


Range and depth of historical understanding

Books, information sheets, pictures

Question sheets ~ prompts.

What things happened to them?



Watch Video. Discuss tombs, burial sites, pyramids.

Go through process of mummification and discuss ~ why, was everybody buried same way? i.e. class groups/gender. Produce account of the process of mummification.

Historical enquiry


Historical knowledge and understanding.

Video, pictures, Information sheets.

Why did these things happen?



Discuss belief in life after death idea of going to a new world after death. Process of mummification and why did they take so many treasures.



Sheet on process of mummification.


Pictures from inside of Tutankhamun's tomb.


What did they believe in?



Watch video on gods

Look at information sheets/ books on gods, groups to research info on one god, produce information sheet/ cartoon/ poster using ICT.


Historical enquiry

Organisation and communication

Range and depth of historical knowledge and understanding.


Information sheets


Why are they important?



Legacy of ancient Egypt.

Ask children to consider why they are important? What have we inherited from them?

Historical enquiry

Range and depth of historical knowledge and understanding

End of topic assessment


How do we Know?




Archaeology. Focus on Tutankhamun and discovery made by Howard Carter.

Discuss ethics of opening tombs. Are we justified ~ Class to de divided into groups give reasons for and against.

Historical enquiry

Organisation and communication

Range and depth of historical knowledge and understanding