





Daily Life




The Nile










Teacher's Resources



Lesson Plans


Lesson Plan 1








Ref to NC PoS

Key Elements: 1(a,b), 3 (a), 4.(a,b) 5(a)   

Specific Learning Objectives

To consider what pupils already know through discussion and self-assessment sheet, and consider ways of finding information. To place ancient Egypt on a timeline.

Key Questions:

Who were the ancient Egyptians? What do I mean by the term 'ancient'? When did they live? Where did they live (timeline)? How do we know about them?  

Resources/Preparation: Timeline, books, paper, card for folders, treasury tags.





45 mins








45 mins




20 mins



(Refer to professional Development Handbook)

What will I do? What will I say? What will the pupils do? What content will be the focus?


Tell children what we are going to be doing e.g. making a class museum about ancient Egypt and producing a book for other children in the school to use.

Discussion on what pupils have covered so far. Can they tell me 3 fantastic facts about ancient Egypt? Use key questions to get children thinking about what they know? What would they like to know? How will we find these things out? What resources could we use? Ask Child to place Egypt on our class timeline.


Ask children to complete self-assessment sheets; encourage them to think of at least three things they already know, and three things they would like to find out.

Distribute books, pictures of artefacts and get children to design a front cover for their ancient Egyptian folders.


Ask children to read through their sheets, what do they know? What do they want to know and why? Any suggestions for what should be included in our museum and book. If we have time begin reading story Ra and his children from 'Tales of Egypt'  R.L.Green.

Assessment: (Who, What and When?)

Through self-assessment sheets, whole class.



Teacher led support, visit each group and discuss their assessment sheets.


Label artefacts if completed task.  

Key Terminology:

Time, ancient, modern, BC, AD, artefacts, archaeology, evidence.  

ICT Application:



Lesson Plan 2


4 / 5







Ref to NC PoS

Key Elements 3a, 4a,b,5c.


Specific Learning Objectives

To understand the term ancient. To know location of Egypt in relation to England. To understand the terms archaelogist, artefacts, primary and secondary and interpretations in relation to historical enquiry.


Key Questions:

Where is Egypt? What are the names of the different periods in ancient Egyptian history? How long ago did ancient Egyptians live? How do we know about them? What is a primary source? What is a secondary source? How can we learn about ancient Egypt from what survives?

Resources/Preparation: Video (landmark programme 1) Cut up pictures, glue, paper.



15 mins



30 mins




40 mins




15 mins






What will I do? What will I say? What will the pupils do? What content will be the focus?


Tell the children that we are going to watch a video on ancient Egypt and that I will be asking questions about the video. Explain that today will will be looking at how we know about the ancient Egyptians and learning about artefacts and primary and secondary sources from Egypt.

Take children to hall / parents room to watch video.  Let them know that if there is any messing around the video will be stopped and silly people will be removed from the lesson.


After video ask questions to check knowledge. Where is Egypt? How long ago? How do we know about them? What is an archaeologist?

Return to class  ~ and explain that we are going to be history detectives / archaeologists. Explain that the children will all be given a picture of an ancient Egyptian artefact, which has been cut up. They are to put the picture together and then write a statement as to what it is, how old they think it is, what it was used for etc. Write these questions on the board to help prompt and encourage children to look closely at each picture.


Ask children to give feedback on their artefacts, and read the statements they have written. Ask others to comment on what they have written re same picture.

Read story of Ra

Assessment: (Who,What and When?)

Give answers to questions asked. Know what an artefact is. Know what interpretations of history are. Understand the terms primary and secondary source.


Video.  Prompt questions on board. Teacher support.



Can they find the picture they have made in an information book, and check if their interpretation was correct. 

Key Terminology:

Interpretation, primary, secondary, source, archaeologist, artefact, historical.

ICT Application:

Video, television and computer produced pictures.

Lesson Plan 3


4 / 5





Ref to NC PoS

Key Elements 2a, 3a, 4a, 5c


Specific Learning Objectives

To understand importance of hieroglyphs as a source of evidence. To understand that they are a limited source of evidence. To consider why they are not used today. 

Key Questions: What are hieroglyphs? Why are they important to our knowledge of ancient Egypt? Who were the people who could read and write in ancient Egypt? How many characters are there in hieroglyph alphabet? What problems do you think having this many would cause? How useful are hieroglyphs to us? What is a primary source?  What is papyrus? Can you think of a word that we use that is similar? Why do we not use hieroglyphs today?

Resources/Preparation: Examples of hieroglyphs. Worksheet. Hieroglyph sheet.



20 mins








30  mins




10 mins


What will I do? What will I say? What will the pupils do? What content will be the focus?


Discuss video from last week what do they remember about hieroglyphs? How many characters? Who could write them? How long did it take to learn all the characters? Would poor people be able to write?

Why are hieroglyphs important in letting us know about ancient Egyptians? Do they tell us about all Egyptians? How do you think people have been able to translate them into English? Why do we not use hieroglyphics today?


Tell children that they will be translating some hieroglyphics this afternoon. Discuss missing letters and how this could be a problem to us, archaeologists and translators.

Explain task to children and tell them they are to work independently ~ no discussion with partner. Tell them that we will be comparing our translations later.


Was everybody able to translate the words? Who managed to write their name? Show examples.

Has anybody written other words? Get class to find out what they are.

Assessment: (Who, What and When?)

Through observations and comments made.



Teacher support ~ those who require it.

 Differentiated activity.  ~ lower ability. Draw hieroglyphs and label with English Alphabet.



Write a label for an artefact using hieroglyphs.  

Key Terminology:

Hieroglyphs, evidence, scribes, characters, ancient, symbols, translate, artefact, primary source, society.

ICT Application: